Isto é uma arma! Infelizmente, aqui, só para bandidos.
The AK-74 has improved firing accuracy over the AKM. This weapon retains all advantages and disadvantages of Kalashnikov design, including reliability, ruggedness, simplicity of operation and maintenance. This weapon do not jams or misfires in worst conditions possible. Also it has reliable extraction even with dirty chamber and cases. This weapon can be field stripped in one minute without using any tools. Its design simplicity made it suitable for mass production. Its drawbacks are poor balance and ergonomics, as well as inferior firing accuracy to most Western weapons.
The AK-74 is a gas operated, selective fire weapon. Design of this weapon is similar to that of the previous AKM. Even 53% of the parts are interchangeable. It is chambered for the 5.45x39 mm small-caliber, high velocity round, that has a slim and relatively long bullet. The AK-74 is more accurate than the previous AKM due to improved ballistics and lower recoil. However the 5.45x39 mm ammunition lacks penetration of the older 7.62x39 mm round. It is also inferior to the standard NATO 5.56x45 mm round. The AK-74 could not match accuracy of the original M16 and was even less accurate than a US M16A2, which was adopted in 1982.
The combined safety and fire selector switch locks the bolt group and the trigger in the "safe" position. It also serves as a dust cover. The middle position is for automatic fire and the bottom position is for single shots.
This assault rifle is fed from a plastic box-shaped magazine, which holds 30 rounds. It is also compatible with 45 round magazine of the RPK-74 light machine gun.
Early models of the AK-74 had a wooden buttstock and foregrip. However late production models were completed with polymer buttstocks and foregrips.
This assault rifle has a sighting range settings from 100 to 1 000 meters. However it is way too optimistic, since the effective range of fire is limited to 500 meters. At a range of 350 meters the AK-74 penetrates a 5 mm steel sheet.
This assault rifle is fitted with a new muzzle brake, which is relatively larger than that of the AKM. It reduced the recoil and reduces the flash while firing.